Getting started with Verigator

We've made setting Verigator up as easy as possible. Let's get you started!

How to get started?

1. Enable Verigator for your account by contacting us

While Verigator is still in early-access, we need to enable it manually for every account. 

Contact us to enable Verigator

2. Follow our documentation to send the OTPs using our API

Integrating the API is as simple as doing a REST API call to our service. Send the message using our Verigator API with your own sender name and the following content: "XXXX is your verification code".

The PIN code must be numeric and between 1-10 characters long.

If the message follows these rules then it will be opted-in to our Verigator service and we will convert the SMS message to a multi-channel message with all the automatic fallbacks in place. There is nothing else that you need to do from your end.

Verigator Documentation


3. Update your terms and conditions to comply with WhatsApp and Viber policies

Certain channels require informing and getting an agreement from the customer that they can expect to get PIN codes via these channels. To comply with all the regulations you should include this information in your terms and conditions.

An example of what to include: 
"YOUR_COMPANY NAME may ask all users to provide their phone numbers for the purposes of user verification. In such cases, we will use the phone number provided by the users for user verification purposes only. This includes sending an SMS- (or any mobile short message), OTT message (such as but not limited to Viber, Whatsapp) containing a PIN code or a one-time password/OTP as a part of a user verification process. The messages will be sent with verifiable and registered sender name, provided to the client upon request."
You can change this to suit your specific use case.


Frequently asked questions

1. Can I use a different message content or have my company name in it?

No, unfortunately not. We use standard message content to have immediate access in every country. Usually custom content requires registrations with operators and channels and thus registering new content can take from weeks to months depending on the country.

The second reason is that to avoid any kind of spam or fraudulent content then operators are more cautious when company names are present in the messages. We can keep the delivery quality better if the message content follows the pre-registered template.

2. What will be the sender name on the device?

In most cases, the sender name used will be "Verigator". This is Messente's brand name that has support in every country and channel.

Depending on country regulations regarding alphanumeric senders, the SMS is sometimes delivered using a short or a long phone number. You can learn more on how the messages look like in your target countries here:Country specific features and restrictions.. Note that for Verigator feature the registration information does not apply - it is already good to go!


3. Can I use my own brand as a sender name?

No. Our brand "Verigator" is accessible in every country possible and we are constantly working to keep it that way. We wouldn't be able to guarantee the best delivery quality if we allowed custom sender names in the service.