How to setup a WhatsApp Business Platform account with Meta

To use WhatsApp with Messente, you first need a WhatsApp business account created with Meta

1. Meta account

First you need a business Meta account. If you already use Facebook or Instagram you likely already have this. 

If you are not already using paid services you will need to setup billing with Meta. Login to your Meta business account and then go to: 

2. Phone number

You can bring your own phone number to use with WhatsApp or ask your account manager and we can provide you with one. 

ℹ️ Phone numbers can't already be associated with any other WhatsApp account 

3. Setup your WhatsApp Business Platform account

⚠️ WhatsApp has two business products, they are not interchangeable and only the Business Platform product can be used with the API

Business App is intended for small businesses to communicate with customers via a business version of the WhatsApp mobile app. Business Platform is intended for larger customers using an integrated/API approach. Any number used for the Business App cannot be used for Business Platform without first disconnecting it.

From Meta business home navigate to Settings and then WhatsApp accounts and choose + Add and complete the form.

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4. Create a template

Once you have your WhatsApp account you can now create a template. Approved templates are required for all business initiated conversations. Access the Meta WhatsApp Manager, select Manage templates and Create Template.

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5. Connect your Messente and WhatsApp accounts together

For this step ask your account manager for a custom link which will open the embedded sign-up flow to connect the accounts.

6. Send a test message!


🔗 Useful Meta support articles

How to connect your phone number to your WhatsApp Business account

Edit message templates for your WhatsApp business account