Sending WhatsApp from the Dashboard



Images & Variables

Supported features


The Messente Dashboard supports sending WhatsApp messages, with this tool you can:

  • Send to any number or group in your Phonebook or enter new numbers
  • Include an SMS fallback for any number without WhatsApp
  • Select supported Templates registered to your Meta account
  • Input variables on those templates and include Tags from your contacts (e.g. <first name>) in those variables


The WhatsApp Dashboard tool is slightly different from the Viber and SMS Send tools because, as with all WhatsApp business communication, you must use a pre-registered template for business initiated conversations. 

If you are just getting started, see this guide to building and registering templates. 

Images & Variables

WhatsApp templates can include Variables, placeholders that are used to dynamically insert specific information or data into your template. You can insert either a name or number as a variable. When you choose a template that includes variables entry fields will be shown.

Header images

If your template contains a header image you have to provide a sample when you build the template and then also specify the image as a variable when you send. You can vary the image but it should remain consistent with the sample. Images must be hosted online and provided as a URL

Fixed variables - '5% discount'

You can enter a string that will be used for all recipients - this can be useful for example on offer templates when you want to enter a fixed discount for all recipients e.g. '5%'

Tag variables - 'Hi Tom'

Or, you can use Tags to pull in fields from your Phonebook contacts. The list of available fields is shown below - this is useful for example for personalising your messages e.g. 'Hi Tom'



Supported features

  • 'Custom' Marketing & Utility templates and Authentication templates. Flow & Catalog template types are not yet supported
  • Number variables e.g. '1'. Named Variables e.g. '' are not yet supported 
  • Headers: Text, Image, Video, Document
  • Buttons: Quick reply, phone number, copy code, URL



Let us know what you think and how you'd like to see this feature develop!